Title : H.L.Bridge across river Ganga on NH-31 at Shri Rampur Ghat, Balia in UP State (in J.V)
Associated Client : UP State Bridge Corporation Ltd.
Location : Uttar Pradesh
Salient Features:
Total Length of Bridge : 2.544 Km
Type of Foundation : Pile Foundation
Type of Superstructure : Extra Dozed, Pre-cast & Pre-Stressed Segmental Box Girder
# of Foundations : 25
# of Modules : 8
Length of each Module : 318m
Span Arrangement : 87m + 144m + 87m
Deck Width : 11.300m
Carriageway Width : 7.500m
Type of Foundation : Pile Foundation
Type of Superstructure : Extra Dozed, Pre-cast & Pre-Stressed Segmental Box Girder
# of Foundations : 25
# of Modules : 8
Length of each Module : 318m
Span Arrangement : 87m + 144m + 87m
Deck Width : 11.300m
Carriageway Width : 7.500m